Friday, April 02, 2010

Heavenly Spring!

Managed to get out a little earlier this morning and just see some earlier spring flowers like these daffodils

These blossoms are very pretty and very PINK! I don't know what they are, I'd appreciate if someone can leave a comment with the name of this tree. I know there are some very smart people out there! (Yes you know who you are )

And just for fun, there is nothing like a ride through paradise on such a gorgeous spring day

SugarPup was having a ball!


Anonymous said...

Sugar Pup is cute! Think I'll go shopping for a cousin of his to see if he would like to take a ride in my truck. *giggles*

The Blue Ridge Gal

Hilary said...

Aww that's cute. Beautiful and refreshing spring colours. Thanks for this. :)