I've been spending quite a bit of time online lately between flickr, facebook (Farmville is evil!) and just trying to keep up with the blogs I'm following. Lately I've been very restless, bored, unfulfilled. So, today I decided that I would dust off that Mac Mini I got about a year and half ago and give it another whirl.
The Mac Mini is a small, entry level computer targeted to the Windows user community. It's Apple's way of getting more PC users to switch to the Mac at a minimal cost. Historically Apples are known to be more costly than comparably equipped pcs, but this model is just the computer without Monitor, keyboard, or mouse. Those little things can cost a bundle, especially if you're a PC user who probably already has 'em. That was my case so off we went and just got a KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switch so we could just share with the Vista PC . A double key press is all we needed to go back and forth between them.
So, we hooked it up and we gave it a whirl. After getting familiar with the initial differences, and there are many, we didn't really see the big deal. I did learn there are many, many websites that are dedicated to the "PC switchers", the differences can frustrate the best of us. It was a strange experience and we all said "OK, now what?" Except my daughter, she absolutely hated it and demanded her PC back.
So I will be using the Mini for the next month, and post my thoughts. Just in case anyone is interested.
Today I'm thinking - What a cute little computer!
My photo buddy Louie agrees! :-)
Until next time - Live, Love, Laugh
Nothing Stays the Same
1 week ago